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REVIEW: GAIA by Oso Ristorante

By 3:50:00 PM , , , ,

Hi! This is iena and now I’m writing my first post at CIWI CIWI BLOG yeay!
You will find me mostly write about restaurant review because that’s the only thing I’m good at. Eating. Hahaaa..NAH. I just like trying something new including eat at some place I never tried before. :p

So first restaurant I want to write is GAIA by Oso Ristorante. Why GAIA? Because this is the most memorable restaurant I’ve ever come. The ambience, the view, the service... wow, just wow. GAIA is one of 3 in 1 Resto Altitude The Plaza besides Salt Grill and Enmaru. Located at 46th floor The Plaza makes them have an amazing view of Jakarta from above.

When you reach there, you will ask whether you want regular table or windows side table. Regular table has no minimum purchase and no view but limited time (approx. 45 minutes only). Windows side table has Jakarta citylight’s view, no limited time but it cost IDR 1,5 million for minimum purchase.

So which one I choose?

Of course the cheapest one! first
But after so many considerations, we choose the windows side one.

*sambil bisikin: ntar bagi dua ya bill-nya... 

Inside GAIA

View from our table

Udah ah cape pake bahasa inggris.
Jadi di GAIA ini selalu punya seasonal menu. Waktu aku kesana, seasonal menu nya adalah Seafood. Akhirnya aku pilih ikan bawal jepang yang harganya IDR 460,000 which is kalau di kantin kantor udah dapet 30 porsi ikan bawal lokal lengkap pake nasi plus sayur. Hiks.

Calamari Fritti
Calamari, Zucchini Chips, Chili Mayo
IDR 150,000

Bawal Jepang Bakar (lupa nama menu aslinya)
IDR 460,000

Filetto Wellington Rossini
Tenderloin, Foie Gras, Truffle, Puff Pastry
IDR 580,000

I couldn't remember what drink is but tastes good.

So sorry for bad quality pictures. It was dark there and I only use my smartphone and GoPro.

They served the food quite long that’s why they gave complimentary snacks and a big bottle of water. Really 45 minutes is not enough if you choose the regular table one. I spent almost an hour waiting for the food, I meant the main course. Then after you eat, the chef will go to your table and ask “how was the food?”. Good job GAIA for have your customer being greeted by the chef himself, I was greeted by Diego Chiarini.

Overall, the food was okay but the service, the ambience and the view are excellent! So if you search for a place to have romantic dinner or want to celebrate something special, I recommend you to go here.

Cheers! ^.^

GAIA by Oso Ristorante
📌 The Plaza, 46th fl, Jalan MH Thamrin no. 28-30, Jakarta Pusat
☎ 021-29922448
IG: @gaia_jakarta
Open Hours: 11am-10.30pm


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